


Currently, I am not engaged in any teaching activity at UCI. These are the links from my previous classes, where I was a Teaching Assistant.

Spring 2009

Guest lecturer for the INF 123 (Software Architecture and Distributed Systems) undergraduate class at UCI. Presented a talk about Pulish/Subscribe Infrastructures Versatility. 

Winter 2006

Guest lecturer for the ICS221 (Sofware Engineering) graduate class at UCI. Presented a talk about Event-Based Architectures entitled Harneshing Events

Spring 2002

I was a Teaching Assistant for the ICS22 - Introduction to Computer Science II class, lectured by Alex Thornton . I taught the section 6 (code: 36066 time: Mon/Wed 1:00-1:50/2:00-2:50 ).

The grades for the section 6 from Spring Quarter 2002 are listed below:

Class Mailing List and News Group:

ICS22 Useful Links:

Java References:

JUnit References:

Configuring your e-Mail/News groups reader:

Winter 2002

I was a Teaching Assistant for the ICS22 - Introduction to Computer Science II class, lectured by Alex Thornton . I taught the section A4 (code: 36061 time: Mon/Wed 1:00-1:50/2:00-2:50 )

The grades for the section A4 from Winter Quarter 2002 are listed below:

Fall 2001

I was a Teaching Assistant for the ICS22 - Introduction to Computer Science II class, lectured by Alex Thornton . I taught the sections B1 (code: 36091 time: 2-3/3-4) and B3 (code: 36093 time: TTh 4-5/5-6 ).

The grades for the sections B1 and B3 from Fall 2001 are listed below:

Fall 2000

I was a Teaching Assistant for the ICS52 - Software Engineering class, lectured by André van der Hoek.

Testing Assignment. Download the CBOS source code (Coffee Beans Ordering System)