Distributed X Centralized execution of 1 case with 20 activities

Cases execute in a single sequence of equal activities, without splits and joins.            
Activities execute in a single host in the centralized tests and in alternate hosts in distributed tests            
Thet is executed in a centralized host            
Thereis no data and no wrapper activities            
Host: anhumas, tigre, araguaia, iguacu            
host Total Time Sequence Time Init Time Negociation Time Creation Time Configure Time
araguaia 10917 6252 4665 403 4496 1093
iguacu 11324 6615 4709 518 4624 1175
anhumas 8261 4897 3364 388 3210 1056
tigre 14116 7872 6244 641 5393 1530
tuiuiu 23137 13945 9192 1372 8533 3288
gaivota 22659 13502 9157 1372 8175 3141
tuiuiu-gaivota 19121 10975 8146 981 7270 2251
araguaia-iguacu 10334 5683 4651 399 4037 1009
anhumas-tigre 10802 6808 3994 553 4795 1192
host Total Time Sequence Time Init Time Negociation Time Creation Time Configure Time
araguaia 100,00% 57,27% 42,73% 3,69% 41,18% 10,01%
iguacu 100,00% 58,42% 41,58% 4,57% 40,83% 10,38%
anhumas 100,00% 59,28% 40,72% 4,70% 38,86% 12,78%
tigre 100,00% 55,77% 44,23% 4,54% 38,20% 10,84%
tuiuiu 100,00% 60,27% 39,73% 5,93% 36,88% 14,21%
gaivota 100,00% 59,59% 40,41% 6,05% 36,08% 13,86%

ChartObject Relative Activitiy Times - Centralized X Distributed Execution

ChartObject Activitiy Times - Centralized X Distributed Execution

ChartObject Absolute Activitiy Times - Centralized X Distributed Execution

Última atualização 19/07/2000
Por Roberto Silveira Silva Filho