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Wonder stands for Workflow on Distributed Environment. It's a workflow management system architecture provides a highly distributed framework to support Workflow Execution in large-scale environments. It uses the mobile objects paradigm, together with the communication facilities and resources of the CORBA framework. This project was part of a MS Thesis project of Roberto Silveira Silva FIlho at the IC - Institute of Computing at UNICAMP - University of Campinas - SP - Brazil. The dissertation was defended on July 2000. It is available here.
The main components and issues of the Wonder architecture are described in the paper published in the 4th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS '99), March 20-23, 1999 - Tokyo, JAPAN - CORBA Based Architecture for Large Scale Workflow.
It is also summarized in the poster (in portuguese) presented in the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks - (SBRC'99) -Bahia - Brazil - May 25-28, 1999. - Wonder: A Distributed Architecture for Large Scale Workflow Using CORBA.
An updated version of the architecture, with some implementation issues is in the paper, published in the IEEE/IEICE Special Issue on Autonomous Decentralized Systems of the IEICE Transactions on Communications magazine, Japan, June 2000.
The tests and the final implementation version is described in the Master Thesis (in portuguese): Uma Arquitetura Baseada em CORBA para Workflow de Larga Escala.
A six-page paper with a brief description of the architecture and the test results of the architecture is also available. Submitted to the CTD 2001 - XIV Tesis and Discertation Workshop of the SBC - Brazilian Computer Society.
The main components of the Wonder architecture are summarized below:
The object persistence is implemented by the LOA - Local Object Activator - A "hook" in the orbixd daemon, a Locator that executes in each host of the system. The objects are stored in the Object Repository, a special local disk area.
Project Chronogram: From March 1998 to February 2000
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Elaboration |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Re-Elaboration |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Specification/ |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Performance Testing/Comping |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Finalization/ |
6 |
6 |
6 |
A prototype of the architecture with the following components were implemented for my MS thesis. Its architecture, implementation and tests are described in my dissertation (in portuguese).
The migration mechanism is completely functional, including the data/links transfer
optimization police.
A language for definition and creation of a test environment was also implemented.
It is interpreted by the Wstarter application that creates the initial system object configuration.
The system was tested using concurrent processes in centralized and distributed scenarios. The tests can be found at the Performance Tests page.
Click here to see the list of the most common errors (in Portuguese) and problems related to OrbixWeb usage in WONDER implementation.
Future Work and Extensions:
The Wonder was conceived by the joint work of Roberto Silveira Silva Filho, Jacques Wainer, Edmundo R. M. Madeira (University of Campinas - UNICAMP) and Clarence (Skip) Ellis (University of Colorado in Boulder).
It was implemented and is maintained by Roberto Silveira as a MS project at the Computer Science Institute at UNICAMP - University of Campinas.
1. Projects, Consortioums and Sites realted to Workflow
2. IBM
Exotica Project
3. Workflow
Management Coallition
4. Object Management
5. OMG Workflow RFP
IBM Research
7. WORP : A repository and resource for researchers and practitioners in WORKflow and Process management
in Information Systems
8. Large-Scale
Distributed Information Systems (Univ. Georgia)
9. Workflow
10. Micro Workflow
Workflow Research
12. WIDE - Workflow on Intelligent Distributed
database Environment
13. WONDER Architecture at NEC Search
14. WONDER Related Publications
at NET Search Index
15. Simple
Workflow Access Protocol, an option to IIOP in jFlow OMG Specification
16. Workflow Security Considerations
17. Workflow
And Reengineering International Association
Workflow Articles
1. Workflow Applications
2. A User's Guide to
E-mail & Workflow Applications
3. The Workflow Automation
Corporation - Workflow White Paper
4. Workflow-based
5. W4 - Typical
Workflow Applications
6. Business Objects and Business
7. Abstracts of talks by C.
Other Workflow Research Projects (Mainly on Large-scale workflow)
1. Endevours
2. Wide
3. Mentor
4. Worp
5. Dartflow - Workflow using mobile agents
6. MQSeries: IBM Message Oriented Middleware
Agents Related Links
Agent Web
2. Project Messagers - University of California - Irvine
3. IBM
4. ObjectSpace
Voyager Mobile Object Framework
5. MIT
Media Lab: Software Agents Group
6. Distributed Objects & Components: Mobile Agents (Thowsands
of Links !!!)
7. Links on Objects & Components (Thowsands of Links !!!)
8. Mobile Agents Design Patterns and Frameworks (Distributed Systems Group , Technical University of
9. Agent or a Program? (Mobile Agents Taxionomy)
10. Mobile Code Bibliography (Hundreats of Links on mobile
11. Massive Distributed Systems
(IBM Research)
12. IEEE Distributed Systems Online
and Groupware Related Links
1. CSCW&Groupware
Related Links, topics and articles
3. The unOfficial Yellow Pages of CSCW - Info
4. CSCW Research Centers and Projects
5. Ulrik CSCW Related Links
Related Links
1. Free CORBA implementations. (Several Links)
2. CORBA Software Links
3. Distributed Object Computing - Many CORBA topics,
implementations and related sites
4. Iona Technologies
5. OpenFusion CORBA Services
6. OMG - Object Management
7. Distributed
Computing and CORBA (Shimidt)
Related Links
1. JavaCC - Java Compiler Compiler
2. JDK1.2
3. JDK1.1
4. Java Lobby
5. Java Tutorial
6. Java IDL Compiler
7. Java World
8. DeveloperWorks - Java
Technology Zone
9. IBM Alpha Works
10. Thinking in Java Book
11. O'REILLY Java Reference
12. IBM Java Technology Zone
13. Java Developers Journal
14. Distributed Programming using
Publications Search Engines
1. Cetus
Links - Thousands of Links on Objects and Components
2. Web of Science (FAPESP)
3. NEC Research Index
4. ACM Digital Library
KLUWER Academics Publishers
6. California
Digital Libraries
This project was sponsored by (Process # 98/06648-0 )
This page was last modified in November 3, 2000